There is more to a relationship than between a man and woman. These days, the world have become comparatively open to many different facets of sexual relationships. Lesbians, Gay, Queer, bisexuals are coming out of the closet and confronting the …

5 Naughty Things to Try with Your Partner
Intimate time with your partner can get monotonous after a few months or years. Time to spice it up. Here is a list of 5 things to bring out the kink monster in you. Check out and try each one …

Dating Tips for Mature Men in Their 40’s
Middle aged dating as a man can be overwhelming. You must be cautious, mature, have realistic expectations and not appear desperate. Yes, we know it can be tough. So, we have brought for you a few dating tips for mature …

The Survival Guide for the First Date After Your Separation
If you have recovered from your divorce phase and have no more grudges left from your marriage, then it might be a sign that you are ready to go out for your first date after your separation. After your separation, …

Rules of casual dating every woman should know
Like many relationship labels used these days, ‘casual dating’ is a term that is heard in recent days. To make it more understandable, here’s an idea about casual dating. Casual dating is a relationship between two individuals who spend time …

Tips for finding love on dating apps
Dating apps are quite the rage since the past few years. We frequently hear names like Tinder, Hinge, Viber, etc. In today’s virtual world, the easiest way to find love is on these dating apps. Here are a few important …

5 Ways to Cope up after a Heartbreak
Heartbreaks are real. The pain you feel when your heart breaks is real. The trauma and stress that you go through after heartbreak is real. But, the fact that you will cope up this heartbreak someday real soon is also …

5 Tips for Short Term Dating in Toronto
Test drives aren’t just for cars anymore and trials aren’t just for clothes. We are part of the generation where people are also ‘tried on’ or ‘tested’ before one decides to get serious. Welcome to the age of Short-term Dating. …

Dating Tips for Shy Men to be Able to Date Like a Pro
Dating is a stage where two people meet and get romantically involved. This may lead to long term romantic relationships between them. It is a means to find a potential partner or even to just get pleasure for the time …

Attraction Towards Shemales and Ways to Deal With it
Sexual orientation is like a huge tree with the typical heterosexual attraction being the main big trunk and several branches stemming out of it. One can be attracted to people of their own sex, opposite sex, people with gender fluidity, …