Contrary to popular belief, the stuff that takes place in the average porn video isn’t a particularly appealing prospect for most women. When you see the usual muscle-clad maniacs throwing women around the bedroom like ragdolls, this isn’t the biggest of turn-ons. But what really turns women on?
There are some women who like sex the way it is portrayed in porn, but the vast majority would run a mile than the prospect of anything close.
What really turns women tends to be much more of a mystery for most men. Which is interesting, given the fact that the biggest and most common female turn-ons are surprisingly simple and straightforward.
They’re also much easier to pull off than the wild and wacky antics of a typical porn clip, which should come as a relief to anyone looking to give their partner what they really want.
With this in mind, here’s a brief rundown of 10 of the biggest and most common female turn-ons:
- Unexpected gestures never fail to turn women on, where men do something selfless and generous for them without having asked for it or expected it. Seriously, just about anything will do.
- When men are openly affectionate with women in front of their friends, or in situations where they would normally be expected to act all manly and pretend they don’t have feelings.
- Speaking of which, men who are able to talk openly about their feelings (without taking things too far) also often have women eating out of the palms of their hands.
- Female-friendly porn can also be a huge turn-on for many women, and there’s no shortage of free porn for women available online. The kind of stuff that focuses on female pleasure, not the usual disproportionate focus on the men involved is what really turns women on.
- Speaking of which, men who are willing to embrace the use of female sex toys in the bedroom never fail to score points. Far more than those who see vibrators and the like as their mortal enemies.
- Unsurprisingly, men who are generous and selfless in the bedroom tend to be superstars in the eyes of most women. Taking a few tips from the aforementioned female-friendly porn could be a good idea for those in need of a couple of pointers.
- Confidence and assertiveness are always attractive qualities in men, just as long as you know where to draw the line and not come across as an arrogant jerk.
- Traditional acts of chivalry are timeless when it comes to turning women on, such as carrying their bags, opening doors for them and generally treating them like royalty.
- Listening intently is perhaps the easiest way of gaining the approval of a woman. Sadly, it also seems to be something that the vast majority of men are incapable of…or simply cannot be bothered with.
- Last but not least, why not simply ask the female in your life what she wants, as opposed to making assumptions and getting it wrong? This can be a big turn on for women, as it combines a gesture of thought and respect with the prospect of getting what they want out of the deal as a bonus.